Monday, March 12

Cost, Value, and Price

Last week I was in Santa Ana finishing up a project where we had hired Randy Logan as our technical advisor. Randy is a highly saught after photographer for the commercial industry. I have had the pleasure of working with him as well as seeing him in action. He is no doubt a genius behind the camera. His work speaks for itself, however, it's his desire to help other photographers enhance their skills through words of encouragement and great advice that makes him different.

As we were clearing up, and our project winding down I spoke to Randy about general aspects that went on over the past couple of days. What I got will stick with me for quite sometime!!!

Randy was speaking about our two day shoot when he told me the story of Salvador Dali, the famous painter.

Salvador Dali was asked to draw a sketch for a restaurant by it's eventual owner one day. Dali sat down and as he waited for his meal he took out a pad and writing intruments and drew a sketch for the person. After completing the sketch, the owner asked how much he owed Dali. Dali told him that he owed him $10,000. The owner wanted to know why he had to pay that much considering it only took Dali all but 5 minutes to draw the sketch. Dali explained to him, "It didn't take me 5 minutes, it took me 35 years."

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