Remember this movie? I watched it a few weeks back and I couldn't believe how scrawny Patrick Dempsey was back then. A skinny, nappy, scrawny dude that played a nerd who became cool. He had hired a cool girl (who needed the $ because she messed up her mothers dress wearing it to a party and needed to get the dress cleaned) and made believe they were a pair. They'd go to lunch, parties, and hang out with each other elsewhere just to make things seem real. Unbeknownst to the nerd, the cool chick was falling for him. He did extremely stupid things. He operated with blindfolds on and didn't see what was happening between him and the cool chick. One day the cool chick decided to let her emotions go and tell him what she really felt about him. With his blindfolds on he didn't see what she was really trying to say. Instead he thought she had initiated the exit plan that they had discussed (according to the plan they were to get into a big fight in the middle of campus which would thereby end their business relationship.) Disaster. He was the flavor to be had from there on out. Dating whoever he pleased until the real story got out. He had hired a girl to make him cool (ofcourse you and I could care less if we had found that out but...) and from there he went from chic to geek once again. The story got rather slow from there on out. He finally saw the light and realized the cool chick wanted him but it was too late. She made her decision and "mind-screwed" herself into thinking that she didn't like him. He showed up in the wee hours of the morning mowing her lawn, he called her house, and he did other stupid things. Right when the viewers thought it was done and there was no more hope, the cool chick came upon a revelation in thinking that she did really want to be with him. And ofcourse they got back together and rode his lawnmower off into the sunset.
That movie was way beyond cool. I didn't do it any justice by giving my short version of it. What was funny is that Patrick Dempsey in that movie went from "totally geek to totally chic". He's in Grey's Anatomy now and the same could be said about him and his real self. He aint scrawny and nappy anymore.
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